Thursday is blog day, and we have something super special in store for you! Rose and I, Sasha, love seeing artworks made by children. And so it was decided that we would create an opportunity for children to win one of Rose’s paperback books, hand-signed with a personal greeting. All of the illustrators who created the pictures for Rose’s books are professionals in their fields. Filled with inspiration, each of them has their own unique style. It’s never easy finding the right illustrator for a book written by Rose, but the artists she has worked with have excelled and really brought her books to life. Would you like to be an artist one day, and create works of art for children’s books? Well, this little competition can be practice for you. Not only will your work be shown on Rose’s social media sites, the winners will have their artworks shown to hundreds of people around the world via her website, too, when they’re posted on the home page of this website. To enter you can visit the coloring competition page, here on the website. As a quick overview, here are the details: How it works: Choose one of two categories (or both). 1 – draw and color any picture from one of Rose's books. You can find some images here. 2 – save, download, print then color any of the black and white images on the competition page. Send your colored image to the email [email protected] The winners will be notified by email and have their images displayed on the home page of Rose’s website. There will be one winner from each category. They will win their choice of one of Rose’s paperbacks, hand-signed by Rose herself. There will be two runner-ups from both categories; they will also have their artwork displayed on Rose’s website and her social media pages. What to include with your entry: 1 – scan or photograph your drawing and send it to [email protected] 2 – state your name and age, and country of residence. 3 – state which category you have entered. 4 – state which book you would choose should you win. How will you know if you’ve won? I, Sasha, will notify you via a reply to the email you will use to submit your entry. If you have won you will receive the email on Tuesday, February 26th, 2019. You will also be notified if you are one of the runner-ups, even though everyone who enters really is a winner to us!
We’re looking forward to seeing your entry. Until then, keep smiling, stay magical, Sasha ~
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